
Note: When viewing the map, click the arrow button on the top left to open the sidebar for additional features

Map Features

  • Eat meat? No problem! You can turn layers on and off.

  • Looking for sushi? Search by food type, restaurant name, kosher certification, and more (to search, click the "View larger map" button on the top right).

  • Don't know where to start? Many restaurants have mini-reviews, with more being added every day!

Troubleshooting on your phone or tablet

View the map in the Google Maps app on your iPhone or iPad

  1. Download Google Maps for iOS

  2. Open the map

Hide the map

  1. Open the map


  3. Tap X CLOSE


The information in the map is meant only as a guide. While I strive to keep the information as accurate as possible, there may still be errors. If you have found such an error, please let me know.